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Republican Women's Club of Katy - PAC

Upcoming Events
Upcoming Events

RSVP Here for April 3rd Event!!

Due to inflationary pressures the Biden administration has caused, Palacio Maria has had to increase their costs, thus RWCK prices have also has to increase slightly for each event.

$34 Members

$37 Non- Members

$45 at the door

Apologies no refunds.


RSVP Here for Politics and Pinot! - 4/12/2025

Attendees Pay for themselves at Postinos.

Looking forward to having a wonderful evening social with you all!



Join Now!

Unfortunately due to inflationary pressures caused by the Biden administration RWCK membership prices have changed.

January & February discount Primary membership for $45, Associate Membership $25

Beginning March 2025:

Primary Membership $50

Associate Membership $30

Young Affiliate Membership $15

Membership fees automatically include membership to TFRW and NFRW, plus discounted prices to all RWCK events and your opportunity to shape the club as a voting member.

It is because of strong membership that we are able to bring in great speakers to our Katy area so please join!

Questions? Please contact:

Paula Chavez

RWCK VP Membership


The Nominating Committee of the Republican Women’s Club of Katy for 2024 has completed it's work and has Chosen the following Executive Board slate for RWCK for 2025.

President – Kristen McCarty

VP Programs – Kym Kettler- Paddock

VP Membership – Paula Chavez

VP Legislation – Tamara MacFarlane

Secretary – Margaret Daniel

Treasurer – Karen Scott

PAC Treasurer – Kathleen Wilson

We thank all members who submitted an application and are confident that your service to the club will be needed on a committee or as a committee chair if you were not chosen for the Executive Board Slate.

The RWCK Member Vote to approve the Nomination Slate for the RWCK Executive Board was held on November 7th, 2024 at the General Meeting and the Slate was unanimously approved!

The nominating Committee and the RWCK Executive Board for 2025 thank all members for your support and are looking forward to a successful conservative legislative year in 2025!

Please see the RWCK Bylaws for additional information regarding the voting process and Executive Board responsibilities.


Letter from the incoming RWCK President 



Dear RWCK Members,


Congratulations to our new 2025 Board Chairs!


Looking forward to a fantastic year!


Kristen McCarty



Board descriptions as per the TFRW Website: (RWCK descriptions may be slightly different)


Parliamentarian: (Board – Non Voting) - Judge Tricia Krenek

The Parliamentarian of a local club acts purely in an advisory capacity to the President. A Parliamentarian should remain silent unless asked to speak by the President. A Parliamentarian may speak up quietly to the President to draw her attention to a parliamentary point, but this should be done discreetly. It is up to the President to decide whether or not to follow the Parliamentarian's advice, and the Parliamentarian must not argue with or attempt to undermine the President's decision. Onlyon the most involved matters should the Parliamentarian be called upon to speak to the body. The Parliamentarian shall remainimpartial in all debate.


NFRW Liaison: (Board – Non Voting) - Jennifer Knesek

This Liaison will establish and maintain reciprocal communications between NFRW and RWCK. Attend virtual club zoom meetings. Monitor NFRW Communications and the NFRW Website for information that needs to be shared with RWCK. Keep members of RWCK informed about the purpose, benefits, financial commitments and opportunities of engagement with NFRW. Determine whether RWCK has voting delegates.


TFRW Liaison: (Board – Non Voting)- Jennifer Knesek

This Liaison will establish and maintain reciprocal communications between TFRW and RWCK. Attend monthly meetings of TFRW. Monitor TFRW Communications and the TFRW Website for information that needs to be shared with RWCK. Keep members of RWCK informed about the purpose, benefits, financial commitments and opportunities of engagement with TFRW. Determine whether RWCK has voting delegates.


Greater Houston Council Liaison:  (Board – Non Voting) - Melissa Blanscet

This Liaison will establish and maintain reciprocal communications between GHC and RWCK. Attend monthly meetings of GHC. Monitor GHC Communications and the GHC Website for information that needs to be shared with RWCK. Keep members of RWCK informed about the purpose, benefits, financial commitments and opportunities of engagement with GHC. Determine whether RWCK has voting delegates.


Chaplain: (Board – Non Voting)- Linda Husfeld

The Chaplain leads the club in prayer for member meetings, Board meetings and any other event held by the club.


Campaign Activities Chair: (Board & Voting) - Penny Smith

• Increase awareness of club committees and activities in which members should be engaging. 

• Report on surrounding club events, GOP events, current candidate campaign activities, get out the vote activities, meet the candidate events, and campaign forums.

• Create descriptive itemized form to track hours for members. Make available in print the "Policy for Counting Campaign Hours" to each member in your directory for easy reference.

• Collect monthly hours and Report hours to TFRW, NFRW (in time for awards).


By Laws/Standing Rules Chair: (Board & Voting) - Linda Prendergast

Bylaws: Conduct a biennial review of the Club bylaws. Request and receive proposed amendments to the bylaws, submit them to the Executive Committee for action. General membership shall have final vote of amendments. Furnish TFRW Bylaws Committee with a complete set of Club bylaws for review and approval. Any subsequent revision of bylaws shall be sent to the TFRW Committee for approval. 


Standing Rules: 

Determine what should be listed as standing rules in addition to the bylaws. 

            i.e .      Distributing Materials 

                        Member Dues

                        Funds Disbursement

                        Donations/Political Contributions after Primary

State procedures that the Club members will follow during general meetings.


Request and receive proposed amendments to the standing rules, submit them to the Executive Committee for action. General membership shall have final vote of standing rules.


Public Relations Chair: (Board & Voting) - Kristine Thomason

Public Relations will include editing and posting the monthly newsletter, website updates, Facebook management (Private & Public), Text Alerts.  Instagram management. Collecting submissions from members and the community for posting review. Solicit local advertisements and sponsorships from current Politicians, candidates and local businesses (no corporations) to place within each medium.  Create a media kit and supply media outlets with primary contact information. Take Photos at the general meetings.


Fundraising: (Board & Voting)- Kelly Waswil

Appoint a committee to come up with suggestions and your goal in dollars. Present your committee recommendations to yourclub's board. Have the membership vote on all fundraising projects to ensure their participation. Fundraising activities are subject to local, state, and federal regulations and taxes. Be sure to check your local requirements before having a fundraising event.


Suggested Fundraising Ideas: (See TFRW manual for descriptions)

•       Prominent Event Speakers 

•       Elephant Boutiques

•       Kitchen Corner

•       County Fair

•       White Elephant Sale

•       Thrift 

•       Patchwork Sales

•       Buttons and Bumper Stickers.

•       Live Auctions, Silent Auction

•       Sustaining Members or Patrons

•       Boosters

•       Plant Fair

•       Walkathon

•       Special Event Dinners

•       Special Theme Events

•       Coffees or High Teas

•       Home, Garden or Historical Site Tours: 

•       Special Projects

•       Advertisement in your newsletter


Community Engagement Chair: (Board & Voting)- Karen Perez

Community Engagement will include Get out the Vote Activities, Voter Registration Activities and to have a RWCK table at local fairs, festivals, job fairs, auctions, senior citizen’s facilities, breakfast with veterans, Katy pie run, Rice Festival, parades, etc. The goal is to encourage membership in the Republican Party, to register people to vote, and to encourage people to vote during elections. 


Caring for America Chair: (Board & Voting)- 

Select one or more projects that are within your organization's capability for community service:

·       Encourage volunteerism and private sector initiatives as important objectives.

·       Keep volunteers interested and motivated through "contests" and incentives.

·       Enhance the GOP image by involving elected and appointed Republican officials and local party leaders in community service projects.

·       Publicize in local newspapers, radio and television as well as TFRW and NFRW publications. Recognize volunteers publicly in these media sources.

·       Keep the TFRW Caring for America Chairman informed of your local club's activities and especially the club’s "SUCCESSES."


Some recommendations for local club projects:

• Mentor/tutor individual or group programs for school children, welfare recipients and others.

• Adopt senior citizen's homes or health care centers by providing small personal items,

visiting/reading to them, writing letters to family/friends, hosting holiday or birthday parties.

• Adopt one or more families with special needs.


Look around communities to find opportunities to assist those in need, to build coalitions and to show that “Republican Women Care.” 


Hospitality: (Board & Voting)- Kimberly Waldo

The primary duty of the Hospitality Chair for RWCK is to be support before, during and after each general meeting for set up, operation and take down of decorations, and for manning tables for general member meetings. Prepare and keep current nameplates for seating. Make all Board members and guests feel comfortable and welcome – informing them of the agenda, and helping new members become acclimated.


Special Projects:  (Board & Voting)- Martha Mathis

(Voter/Election Integrity) – Recruit and train new Poll Watchers and Clerks and Judges for the upcoming elections. Work logistics (assignments and voter hotline) during the elections.

Activism Chair: (Board & Non Voting) - Bach Williams
Contact new members and provide an activism class for them to understand  the club and how to get involved.
Keep a spreadsheet and update the board and members regularly of new member achievements.



Congratulations Texas GOP Winners!


Wonderful time at the January RWCK 2025 Trump Inauguration Event! 

Thanks to everyone who was able to join in the celebration!🤩 

We hope to see you again soon!


Political advertising paid for by RWCK (Treasurer Karen Scott, 9550 Spring Green Blvd.,Ste 408-122, Katy, TX 77494). Contributions are not federal tax deductible as charitable contributions. Corporate Contributions Are Not Permitted. This is not an endorsement of RWCK, its President, or its Campaign Activities Chairman, only candidate information to help you make an informed decision and get involved with the candidate of your choice.

Solicitations made by federal candidates and officeholders are limited by federal law. The federal candidates and officeholders are soliciting only donations of up to $2,500.00 from individuals and up to $5,000.00 from multi-candidate political committees. They are not soliciting donations in any amount from corporations, labor organizations, national banks, federal contractors, or foreign nationals.